Pressure Seal Mailers

Discover why it pays to use PS mailers to cut costs and streamline everyday business tasks! Whether you use PS mailers for payroll, accounts payable, direct mail, or any of the many other applications, you’ll soon enjoy cost savings, greater productivity, and more versatile document capabilities.



A patented, pressure seal self-mailer is a one-piece sheet that becomes the envelope when folded. It’s designed to be printed, folded, sealed, and mailed in much less time than conventional printing and mailing processes that use envelopes.

Pressure seal mailers:

  • Eliminate the need to order and stock envelopes.
  • Eliminate the time it takes to stuff and seal envelopes.
  • Reduce the labor costs involved with printing and mail processing.
  • Increase the versatility of your documents.


Four styles of PS mailers give you virtually unlimited options for meeting your business needs:

  • The versatile Z fold is the most popular
  • The eccentric Z fold
  • The C fold
  • The V fold


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